About Me



My name is Abigail Gennero, I am a Texas native, born and raised in San Antonio! I graduated in 2018 from Texas State University, with my Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. I had my first child a few short months after and spent the first two years raising my little one before looking for my first job, and I’m so glad I did! Otherwise, I may not have discovered my love for creating charcuteries. I’ve been a foodie all my life, and I love trying new foods and new flavors. Creating charcuterie boards allows me to do just that. Creating new boards pushes me to try new things and to think outside of the box thus..creating the perfect bite! It is always so exciting to hear that my customers and their loved ones enjoyed their boards. I have finally found a way to combine my love for food and serving others. I guess I’m still an engineer in a way…a cheese engineer if you will. Haha! Ultimately, my hope is that love is tangible in every bite and in every corner of my company. I look forward to meeting more of you as time goes on. Cheers!

Our Story

Our company is a product of quarantine Youtube inspiration, incredibly supportive family and friends, and prayer! Our hope is to impact others and spread honey bee awareness, one cheese bite at a time. 

My Mission

My goal is to bring awareness to 3 different topics. The first is to bring awareness to honey bees in hopes of reducing fear and share ways we can increase their numbers by educating others about their importance and  ways you can help! I will also be highlighting local beekeepers/honey companies that are doing their part in helping support bees in Texas. Second, every month you can help by suggesting and voting for a local charity you would like to see funded on our Instagram. And thirdly, we would like to showcase products from local businesses on our boards. One day we hope to have our boards edge to edge with locally grown, harvested, and produced goods. We want you to, 

“Feel good about putting your money where your mouth is.”